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Ubuntu 8.04 Sound Problem

This morning I upgraded my laptop from Ubuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu 8.04.  The whole process took almost exactly 4 hours.  The only significant problem was that sound was no longer working properly from within Firefox.  BBC Radio was silent on the BBC iPlayer, and when I selected to play it in RealPlayer, I got only garbled speech.  However, I could listen to it by starting RealPlayer10  outside Firefox and manually entering the URL of the .ram file.

A quick search on Google revealed  a post on Ubuntu Forums that suggested it might be a problem with the Totem plugin, and that the MPlayer plugin might be better.  I started Synaptic package manager and  completely removed the totem-mozilla package and installed mozilla-mplayer instead.  Now both the BBC iPlayer and RealPlayer work from within Firefox!

Reader Comments (1)

thank you !!
2008-10-02 | Unregistered Commenterem

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