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Darwiniana on BBC Radio 4

BBC Radio is starting the new year with several programs marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin (and also the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species).  The first full week of 2009 sees the following:

Darwin: In Our Time.  Melvyn Bragg discusses Darwin's life and work with various guests.  Four 45 minute episodes broadcast at 9:00am UT each day from Monday 5th to Thursday 8th January.

Dear Darwin.  Various academics (Craig Ventner, Jonathan Miller, Jerry Coyne, Peter Bentley, and Baruch Blumberg) read out personal letters they have written to Darwin.  Five 15 minute episodes broadcast at 15:45 UT each day from Monday 5th to Friday 9th January.

Hunting the Beagle.  Maritime historian Robert Prescott tracks down the final resting place of the ship that took Darwin round the world.  A 60 minute program (actually a revised repeat of one broadcast previously) to be broadcast at 21:00 UT on Friday 9th January.

In addition, the following is scheduled for broadcast in February:

Darwin, My Ancestor.  Ruth Padel, writer and great great grand-daughter of Darwin, talks with various experts and tries to find out what he was like as a person.

BBC radio programs such as these are normally available for listening to over the web for up to a week following their broadcast (sometimes even longer).

Reader Comments (2)

Too bad they don't have these as podcasts.
2009-01-01 | Unregistered CommenterAydin
The podcasts are available here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/podcasts/iot/
2009-01-09 | Unregistered Commentertristram

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